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Educational Presentations

1 h
On Request
Rosalie Children's Centre

Service Description

In Sync Kids OT is able to offer a wide range of in-services and training seminars to parents, interests groups, professionals and organizations, which are tailored to the learning needs of your group. With each training session we are able to offer professional handouts with interactive and practical learning opportunities. Participants are encouraged to try out activities and equipment which we find further aids their understanding and grasp of theoretical concepts. The professional development training will cover topics such as: - Increase the understanding of sensory processing and how it impacts engagement in the home and school - Implement classroom strategies to aid attention and success in school - Understand the role of the Occupational Therapist - Managing challenging behaviours - Developmental areas that can impact school readiness.

Contact Details

  • 155 Baroona Road, Paddington QLD, Australia

    07 3184 5959

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